There’s a duality to reality if you want to know the Truth

To tell you the truth, reality can be understood in two interconnected realms: the physical and the conceptual.

In the physical realm, we experience and observe the tangible world through our senses—things we can touch, see, hear, taste, and smell. This is the objective reality that exists independent of our thoughts or beliefs.

On the other hand, there is also a conceptual realm where ideas, beliefs, perceptions, and emotions reside. This realm is subjective and varies from person to person based on individual experiences, interpretations, and cultural influences.

Understanding the duality of reality means recognizing that truth can manifest differently depending on whether we are considering objective, observable facts (physical reality) or subjective interpretations and mental constructs (conceptual reality). Both aspects are intertwined and contribute to our understanding of truth, requiring us to navigate between empirical evidence and introspective reflection to arrive at a comprehensive view of reality.

In essence, acknowledging the duality of reality encourages a holistic approach to seeking truth—one that embraces both the empirical and the abstract dimensions of our existence.