Hey, Jesus. Do you want to know the meaning of life?

Ol’ Ronny Hubbard must have been bored,
when he finished his Dianetics bullsh!t.
He proceeded to manipulate a lot more words,
And the next thing you know we’ve got Scientology.
Their HQ is in Clearwater, where they try to get you clear,
but in reality they’re actually out for all your money.
If you want to know the truth, i’m giving it away for free,
And they made a mistake when they invited me.

The powers that be at Scientology wanted to explain the meaning of life to me. i took them up on their offer, but it didn’t turn out the way they thought it would be. When Jesus comes to your door with a little Truth and Reality, you best be prepared.

i proceeded to visit their Public Information Center in Tampa, FL as the person they knew me to be: jesus h christ

i left as Daniel H McFarling with an escort by 2 of Tampa’s finest law enforcement officers.

It seems the powers that be couldn’t provide me with a person of ‘Clear’ status to discuss the meaning of life. They promised i could stay as long as i desired, and could return as often as i desired also. In the end they broke that promise and had the Tampa Police provide me with a written trespass warning.

Just so you know, unlike that other Jesus (ver. 1.0), i never got upset enough to overturn any tables while i was in that temple to the power of money.

i had so much fun i did the same thing at the Scientology volunteer center, right across the street from their HQ. This was even more fun. i parked right in front of the door & proceeded to be a nuisance. Unlike that fellow George Floyd, no police officer pulled me from my car, and there were 5 officers there including a Sergeant.

During both fun little events i managed to get these written warnings & a handshake from an officer. In Clearwater i insisted on the handshake before i left.

i believe we all had fun. Maybe not the boys & girls at Scientology though. That’ll be the last time they invite Jesus over for some Truth & Reality about the meaning of life.

If there are any fun loving lawyers out their willing to take on a case of breach of contract. You can find an outline for a legal brief found at my original post concerning this incident: virtuallyjesuschrist.blogspot.com