Virtually Jesus Christ: Spreading Understanding and Peace

i am Truth Incarnate for this Place in Space & Time. By default, this makes me Jesus Christ in the here & now. Whether or not you like it.
Try & prove me wrong!

i’ve got a story to tell you all,
& in reality it’s about us all.
Allah’ F U can find it at my blog,
that’s been around for many a year.
i plan on telling it here also.
With any luck, God Willing,
it’ll be done in a video format.

Leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of tomorrow.

i’ve been here for over 65 years.

It was about 30 years ago when i got hit with that locomotive. Metaphorically speaking, of course. In reality it was the Peace Train filling up my brain.

Kinda’ like when that guy Siddhartha Gautama sat under that bohdi tree, or when Jesus Christ (v1.0) was in that desert with the devil.
Both of those guys can be considered legends in the minds of many. i simply say, they were both Truth Incarnate for their place in space & time. Except that Buddha took all the credit, & Jesus gave all the credit to Allah. Or God, if you prefer.

i wasn’t stuck under a tree, or in the desert either. i was just some guy trying to live his life as honestly as possible. Taking responsibility for all i think & do.
Allah’ F U should try it too, if you want to know the Truth. It’s not a matter of thinking some guy will save you. You’ve got to do it for yourself. And that is the absolute Truth. So help me God.

Our Goal is to spread Understanding & Knowledge for all Humanity

i’ve experienced a lot, & have met lots of people. i know what makes Allah’ F U tick
& how we all just want to be a part
of that special clique.

Meet our team

Our comprehensive suite of professionals hasn’t been formed yet,
but we’ve got some dedicated people with hearts of gold.
Do you believe you have what it takes to help the meek to inherit the World?

Daniel H McFarling

Responsible entity for all manipulations performed

Taylor’s place for Music

Music for World Peace Records

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